Meanwhile at my home church
  • We went to Mass at our regular church today, mainly because the kids' CCD papers arrived this week, reminding me that it would be a likely bad idea to move right now given all of their catechism has been done here. So, there we are. The former parish school music teacher came in. She retired from the school but still works part time in the music ministry. The music director was not there, he is away visiting family for a few weeks. Saturday Mass is very heavily attended, although slightly less today because of the local county fair going on. The cantor she had scheduled didn't show, so she did everything herself-from the piano. She has a fine voice and that wasn't the issue, but never in these six years have I attended Mass there and only piano was used. Adding to that sadness, the ancient sound system was barely functioning today, cutting in and out, I don't think any of the mics were working at all for the first half of Mass. After Mass the kids wanted to go say hello, so I had a chance to talk to her. I told her a little about my own situation, and she told me to contact the director when he returns next week. She said he won't have any problem with me practicing organ there, I just need to coordinate schedules because it's a very busy church. I have nothing against the director personally, save his awful choice of Pony Mass and taste of music in general, and I know his daughter through the local string community. And for Pete's sake if they need an organ sub on a Saturday I'm more than willing to volunteer that service to my own church. Director is also not getting any younger, and the part time lady would not want more to do than she's already doing. Maybe it's too soon to feel hopeful, but for the first time I felt like I may have something to offer here, that this is where I need to be, and that I am actually needed. At the very least, I'll be able to practice organ again. It's not fancy, and it's definitely not my old Rodgers, but its a nice little instrument.

    Thanked by 1CHGiffen