Practical application of chant course for credit?
  • I recently began directing choirs at two different parishes in Aurora, Colorado. My master's degree is in Musicology and I also hold a music teaching license in Colorado. However, after some time teaching in the public schools and more recently, some time staying home with children, I could definitely use a refresher to deepen my understanding and use of sacred music, especially Gregorian chant.

    Does anyone know of any for-credit courses (preferably offered online, if possible) in sacred music? I've done a little searching and I'm coming up with nothing. I'm interested less in a secular course approached as an era of music history, but more interested in a sacred approach with practical application. My music teaching license is up for renewal in January, and while I am not by my current employment required to keep my licensure current, I believe it is useful as I continue to work with Catholic youth in an informal educational setting. I am wondering if there is a way that I can support the parishes where I serve by enriching my musical ability in this area, but also complete a requirement to keep my license current.

    Thank you in advance for any assistance anyone can provide!
  • Our summer chant courses at Duquesne University and also the Colloquium have been offered with course credit through Duquesne University. It would require you to attend in person, however.