Observing monosyllables & Hebrew words vs. not - pointing useable with both?
  • JonathanKKJonathanKK
    Posts: 542
    The Vatican Edition of the Antiphonale (i.e. 1912) assumes that monosyllables and Hebrew words get special treatment, e.g. at the middle cadences of certain psalm tones, etc.

    However, along comes the Liber Usualis, equipped with permission to disregard them, as well as convenient system of italics & bold to make everything clear, and it's system becomes the standard use.

    What I'm fiddling about with is this: Is there a way to keep the LU-style italics & bold, but also convey simultaneously pointing for the alternate form of the cadence which observes the monosyllables and Hebrew words?

    The best I have come up with is something like the example below. Everything is pointed normally as far as the italics and bold go. However, I have used underlining to "cancel out" the italics or bold which should be ignored if you are going for the other option. Another way of thinking of it is that the underlining means "stay on the reciting note here".

    Does this make sense?

    How much of a nuisance is the random underlining if you are going the route of ignoring it?

    Psalm 123, Tone 4. A

    1. Nisi quia Dóminus erat in nobis, dicat nunc Israël : * nisi quia Dóminus erat in nobis :

    2. Cum exsúrgerent hómines in nos, * forte vivos deglutíssent nos :

    3. Cum irascerétur furor eórum in nos, * forte aqua absorbuísset nos.

    4. Torréntem pertransívit ánima nostra : * fórsitan pertransísset ánima nostra aquam intolebilem.

    5. Benedíctus minus * qui non dedit nos in captiónem déntibus eórum.

    6. Anima nostra sicut passer epta est * de láqueo venántium :

    7. Láqueus contrítus est, * et nos liberáti sumus.

    8. Adjutórium nostrum in nómine mini, * qui fecit caelum et terram.

    9. Glória Patri, et lio, * et Spirítui Sancto.

    10. Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper, * et in saécula saeculórum. Amen.