This amazing gift
  • Carl DCarl D
    Posts: 992
    In this more thoughtful season of Lent, I am reflecting on the multitude of gifts we have been blessed with.

    I've had my struggles with Popes and Priests and other leaders who are making those tough decisions, and don't come down on the side that I would personally prefer. I pray for understanding and patience, just hoping that when I'm in positions of leadership that my own failings don't cause others grief.

    I've heard those mispronunciations and musical errors, and am humbled by the fact that others have shown me so much patience when I've committed worse.

    I've heard music in the liturgy that I like, some I don't, and some that doesn't seem much help at all. I strive to remember that it's not the point of Mass, that it's about bringing me into relationship with our infinite God. I try hard to keep the viewpoint that we're all striving for meaning in our journeys, finding a loving God even when we're not very lovable.

    I've worked with music directors and organists and other musicians who frustrate the heck out of me, because they're ... human. I try to stay focused on understanding that only God is perfect, and the rest of us are just struggling to do the best we can.

    Yet He loves us anyway, through His Church, through other people, and through individual relationship. It's amazing to me.

    I wish us all a transformational Lent and Easter which helps heal our divisions.