Happy fourth of july !!
  • PhatFlute
    Posts: 219
    Happy independence to all of us ! Hope many fire works were enjoyed. Boom boom stay safe
    Thanked by 2Jani Jeffrey Quick
  • When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them, one to another, and to abandon as surly the bonds of reason and common sense, it is good to consult the Court Majority of the United States Supreme Court, for they have already gone where no philperchildindifferent has ever gone before.

    They hold these truths to be self-evident:

    1) A law means what it appears to mean, unless that meaning is inconvenient.

    2) A law means what the Court of political and economic expediency dictates, unless that meaning is inconvenient.

    3) All laws passed to protect persons or institutions, other than select persons or classes, were conceived in hatred and dedicated to the proposition that all philperchildindifferent were created more or less equal, but some are more equal than others.

    4) That governments evolve until further evolution is inconvenient or inexpedient, and then solidify their situations to the "better understanding" of their subjects.

    5) That precedent is of no value, unless it is expedient that it is of value.

    6) That amendments to the state and federal constitutions are to be governed by the Elastic clause, allowing them to mean whatever is necessary and proper for the development of
    Thanked by 2Jani chonak